Friday, July 24, 2015

Pre - Wedding photos!! [Part I]

Pre-wedding photography : Ching Ying from 牛勿 anything

Ching Ying helped us to produce 2 photobooks with different feels and our own short stories written on the books.

We almost cracked our brains coming up with the ideas and the titles for the books and the words to put in.

A little story about the 2 books and the meaning behind the titles.
Once again: Telling a story of a boy pursuing a girl since high school but the girl did not accept the boy. They went on separate ways after they finished their high school; boy to Kuala Lumpur and girl to Singapore then Perth then Singapore again. They stopped talking for few years until one day the girl posted a photo (a photo only the boy knew the meaning) on her blog and the boy sent an email unknowingly about the blogpost. They started talking again. Once again....They fell in love....

Love brought us together: Telling a story of a couple in a long distance relationship; boy at Kuala Lumpur and girl at Singapore. They could only use the help of technology to date most of the nights. It was hard for them but it totally worth it. During their long distance relationship, they always made sure that they communicate. Always have a date to meet; either boy goes over to Singapore or vice versa. A relationship is not about always having the other party be by one's side. A relationship is about discovery. You will discover a new part about yourself that you never knew. They faced a lot of challenges but love brought them together.

We 100% love the outcome!! Thanks Ching Ying!

You can view all our photos from 愛 > 距離

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