Sunday, September 13, 2015

First World Problem

Every year, every month, every day, every hour, every min, every second we fall into first world problem. Whether you realise it or not. It exists.

First world problem; problems from living in a wealthy, industrialized nation that third worlders would probably roll their eyes at. 

There is no wifi!!! >(

Why is the internet so slow??!!?

Why is this not loading???!!??

I am so hungry but I have brushed my teeth phone is running flat and I forgot to bring my charger!

I have nothing to wear (when the closet is full of clothes)

Why is there no taxi at this moment!!!

Stupid car!

It's steak again??? I want fish! I am so hungry

I just bought this shirt yesterday and now, it's on sales???

Nah...this job does not suit me. It pays so little and I have to work for so many hours

90/100? How am I going to face my parents??

After been to a third world country and witness the third world problems, I am very privileged. Incredibly privileged, and I’m endlessly grateful and thank God the experience. 

When I heard the life stories of my parents, how they have suffered when they were young, forced to live independently at young age, I know that I’ll never truly know what it means to suffer. 

I mean, sure, I’ve been through some stuff I’d rather not think about. But these days most of my problems are really peanuts (like some of the examples above)! I felt ashamed to even think or talk about it. When I step back and look at the big perspective, most of my issues are so tiny, yet I let them be so big.

People of all backgrounds from all over the world deal with heartbreak, finding employment, getting good grades, transportation, mental illness and yes, even getting change for a big bill.

I know that, for many people, saying “first world problems” can act as a personal check. Sometimes we get so frustrated or down that we lose sight of the good things that we already we have. Take people/things for granted. 

But I think it’s important to recognize that some experiences are perfectly reasonable things to be upset about because we are brought up this way. When things don’t go according to plan, we get negative. That's absolutely normal. The important thing is how are we going to deal with them. Get positive as soon as possible and appreciate the things that you have. 

Admittedly, most things I complain about are really stupid. I seriously throw tantrums if I can’t stream a cat video I really want to watch. I whine a lot. I’m not better than anyone.

This post, these thoughts remind me to be grateful and content to what I already have and not to complain on what I do not have. Especially on the people we love, we should not take them for granted. Do not lose the compassion to people in less fortunate positions than our own, to see what it's really like to be in someone else's shoes. The next time I face a problem, deal with it because it's just another step to grow stronger.

What are your first world problems? Let's do something about it.

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