Tuesday, June 9, 2015


[nuhp-choo-uh l]


It is like the final countdown. Getting closer and closer! Time passes very quickly.

As much as I'm going insane over the preparation. Here is one burden down which was the Guo Da Li plus giving out invitation to our elderly. We just had that on last Sunday (7th June 2015). It was indeed shag but happy to receive wishings from them when we visited.

Tubby came over to my place together with his 2 brothers as Meigong on that morning. Sometimes chinese traditional custom is pretty lame but with loads of reasons you will eventually still want to follow. And well, we did accordingly too!

We followed the groom's dialect which is Teochew.

On that Guo Da Li itself, everything went pretty smooth I would say. Totally chop chop kind. Every thing ended quite fast I would say. Hahaha! 

I feel like IT WAS TOTALLY LIKE A GIFT EXCHANGE CEREMONY! For example, Tubby came with 2 Martell and we have to return him 2 bottles of orange juice. (SUCH A GOOD DEAL RIGHT!) Then we did an exchange of 8 oranges to 8 oranges. My mum requested for 30 sets of wedding cakes (My family side is pretty huge) and 52 cans of pig trotters so we both returned 4 sets of wedding cakes and 8 cans of pig trotters back to them again. 

SO. The whole event is totally like a BRING HERE BRING THERE ceremony. No reason, plainly just for good marriage I supposed. But we were so glad that the biggest hurdle has already ended! You know, traditional custom part were the most driving us to crazy part. But, phew! We didn't managed to take lots of pictures. (SAD!) So here are some of the pictures taken while we were doing cake distribution.

That's all folk! Final countdown! 
With love

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