Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Dear husband - Day 10

That's a simple definition of wedding ring. So, what's the deep meaning of our rings?

"The wedding ring is the outward and visible symbol signifying the sincere mutual love that unites the hearts of these two in an inward and spiritual union." said our pastor.

Every time as I wear this ring, I remember that moment as I said to you this:

"I put this ring on your finger, as proof that we have made our marriage vows, and that today I have taken you as my husband, Amen."

I remember the vows that we made.
I remember the moment when we said 'I do'.
I remember the reason I want to take you as my husband for the rest of my life.
I remember the flaws both of us have and the acceptance.

Even when our rings have so many scratches, they are still very solid.
Just like in our marriage, we can never have a smooth marriage journey. That will be abnormal and unhealthy.
We need all the obstacles and challenges to grow healthily with the guidance from God;
who doesn't grow us apart but grow us even closer.

The scratches actually made the rings even more beautiful.