Going on a holiday in the winter is a childhood dream. However, it's very brutal, literally. Especially when you come from the 30 degrees celsius weather in Malaysia. It was very difficult to adjust to the sudden change in temperature. Even just walking down the street was a struggle! However, we survived the winter!
Here are a few tips that helped us got through the winter cold. On average it took me almost 45 minutes to an hour to prepare myself before getting out of the apartment each day! Phew
Tip #1: Prepare your body before the holiday
Yes and this is very important even if you are not travelling to winter country. Whenever we travel out from home, our body will make certain adjustment. Depends on individual. Some might not adjust well enough and fall sick easily. Thus, it's very important to build our body's immune system before travelling. Get sufficient vitamin C and probiotics are really great help. Don't forget to prepare your own emergency kit to bring over, for e.g.; vitamin C, gaviscon, paracetamol, bandaids etc.
Tip #2: Heat packs
We got our heat packs from Daiso. These were seriously life saver! These are sold either as hand warmer or body warmer; where you can paste onto your body. I pasted some on my shirt and placed some on pocket. Whenever I felt cold throughout the day, I would put my hand in my pocket. Best part is, the warmth last for 8 hours!
Tip #3: Scarf
We must protect our neck!
Tip #4: Heattech leggings
These were our life saver as well. I would have been frozen if I did not layer these leggings under all of my outfits. Underneath this Dolce&Gabbana outfit, I had heattech leggings and a turtleneck.
Tip #5: Invest on a pair of boots
The feets are the 'extremities' of the body, meaning, they are the furthest from the heart which pumps blood around the body to keep them warm. Thus, they are the first to get chilly. Get a comfortable and light boots can actually keep your legs super warm.
Tip #6: Leather gloves
To my opinion leather gloves win over other types.
Tip #7: Windbreaker and trench coat
Get a good windbreaker and trench coat. Sometimes, it's not the temperature that makes you cold but the strong wind and the rain.
Tip #8: Keep our lips moisturised
It was crazy how chapped our lips when it's cold and windy. Even just few minutes after being outside of a building, I could feel the dryness on my lips. There are tons of great lip balm, but my always go-to is the Vaseline petroleum jelly. It's thick and thus create a barrier for our lips against the cold wind and it's super moisturising.
Tip #9: Keep our skin moisturised
Of course, apart from #7, our skin needs protection as well. The dryness of winter caused many cuts on my skin and it was very painful. I would like to give a shout-out to the Himalaya Nourishing Skin Cream which helped me throughout my winter trip. I brought a few face sheet mask as well to keep my face super moisturised.
Tip #10: Stay indoor
Whenever you can't stand the cold, just go to one building for 'refuge'. Most of the buildings have heater.
Tip #11: Keep your spirits up! :D
because it can be gloomy during winter season :(
When all else fail, hug each other to keep warm! ;) and don't forget to take beautiful photos. While taking photos, don't forget to enjoy the sceneries with your own eyes too!

Let us know your winter survival tips! <3
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