Join us as we reminisce our wedding day.
Not much words because I think the pictures tell the story of what went on, on that day. So, I hope you enjoy the photos! And yes, me and tubby enjoyed much on that day even though we were very tired.
I can't believe the wedding has come and gone. All the planning and all the stress. It was a beautiful wedding and I'm so happy and excited to share the photos with all of you.
After the tea ceremony, had make up and hairdo touched up and gown changing.

Wedding reception.
I was waiting to walk down the aisle to a new stage of my life. That moment was so overwhelming.
Processional - Bridal entourage march in; started off with my two adorable nieces.
Walking down the aisle, accompanied by the two most important persons in my life. A moment that I have been waiting for.
A very warmhearted moment when everyone clapped.
Papa handed my hand to tubby. It was a very emotional moment.
But I know papa is happy and proud of whom he's handing over my hand to.
Declaration of Intent.
Invocation prayer
My praise and worship team

Scripture reading - Genesis 1:26-28, 2:18-24
Message and exhortation
"I do."
"I do."
"Who gives this woman to be married to this man?"
Exchanging our vows.
Exchanging our wedding rings.
"The wedding ring is the outward and visible symbol signifying the sincere mutual love that unites the hearts of these two in an inward and spiritual union."
"For as much as both have consented to live together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this congregation, and have made their marriage vows and declared the same by the giving and receiving of a ring and by joining hands, I pronounce them husband and wife in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Whom God had joined together, let not man put asunder."
"Now, you may kiss your bride."
Blessing prayer
Signing of the marriage register
Oh yeah!
March in as Mr and Mrs Koh
Dancing to our favourite song: Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo
Words of appreciation
Saying of Grace
Picture taking
My bridesmaids were wearing a pretty shade of white and purple dress from Twenty3
Part 1: Tea ceremony
Part 3: Buffet dinner
Wedding day - Fetch the bride
Bridal make up by Karis.
Bridesmaids dresses from Twenty3
Wedding video by The Wedding Paparazzi.
Wedding favours by FavorAtelier.
Wedding gown by Bridal Affairs.
Wedding rings from Love&Co.
Pre-wedding photobook by 牛勿
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