Saturday, July 4, 2015

7 days of marriage - Exploring the joys of marriage

From “we do!” to “just married”

Exactly one week ago, at 3pm, my parents were just there, holding my hands and walking down the aisle together with my bridal entourage. It was a very heavy moment when my dad passed my hand to Tubby as we start this journey together. 

How time flies, really. The wedding has come and gone. The food’s been devoured. All the plannings had ceased.

Tubby and mik have turned 7 days old!
As we embarked into our married life, there are many adjustments that we have learnt to cope with each other from the past 7 days. How to live together, sleeping next to each other, on the same bed. 

Getting married is like moving to a foreign country (literally for me as I moved from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur). You will experience some culture shock. You and your husband won’t always speak the same language.

We promised to take our time and allow ourselves to adjust to our new “culture.” In time, the shock will wear off, and we’ll begin to feel at home. 

We are newlyweds and still exploring the joys of our marriage and experiencing the goodness of the Lord in our marriage.

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