Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bee went across the border to KL

So, bee went over to KL 2 weeks ago to celebrate Tubby's birthday

Bee cooked birthday mee suah but failed attempt. photos! But promised to improve in cooking! HAHA

We had a lot of fun, food, fun, food :D

Let the photos speak for themselves.

 Famous burgerlab. We waited in the car for almost half an hour just because we do not want to be the first to queue up! LOL
 Dip Dip- a taste will make you :)
 :) Although not the chocolate I want so badly
 Dino LEGO
 With love. We look so tired ZzzzZZz
 Look at the fat!!! Yummy!
 The must have dimsum
Gift to add to my collection <3
Last photo before we parted, again. :(

Happy birthday, my luv. Always smile like that :)

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